Thursday, May 31, 2012

Week 23 - School's Out For Summer

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” ~Dr. Seuss

We’ve had some great fun the last few weeks building our creative courage with music and discovering other cultures. As a matter of fact we’ve been working pretty hard all year building our creative muscles.
School is out for summer for many this week, there are graduation ceremonies, exams, ACTs and all of the messiness of the cyclical schedules changing….no making lunches, the alarm no longer rings at 5:30 a.m., a relaxed atmosphere, hopefully days at the beach, and more time with friends.   So….. let’s enjoy that time this week.  Let’s be courageous enough to relish in this time, and work though the changes that need to be made; then come out stronger on the other side and ready to get back to work building our creative muscles!!  Let’s TRY to take it easy this week…let’s enjoy the changing of the guards, let’s regroup, rebuild and recharge!! I’ll see everyone next week!  How does that sound?!!
Although if you really want a challenge this week, let’s re-visit our Sit.Silent.Breathe.Be  and remember to take it easy!!

“Take it easy baby, take it as it comes, specialize in having fun!” 

~ Jim Morrison
Posting on Thursday will give everyone an opportunity to relax and realize there is No Homework for this week!!  So go have fun!!

JeaneMargherite Meria McMahon Murray Schintgen

(yep, that’s my name, don’t wear it out!)
 I would love for you to “check me out” in my other realms…..

Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 22 - Joy To The World

“True joy is that which gives us more energy and makes us feel more alive.”  ~Robert Puryear

Joy…bliss, cheer, delight, elation, effervescence, euphoria, exhilaration, gladness, glee, nirvana, passion, radiance…you know – JOY. Don’t we all want to experience, live and spread joy?! We know those people who always bring a smile to our face, a skip to our heart, they perk up your attitude just by being around. They exude joy.
Think about the folks that you most admire…just for a moment, think about a few people in your life that you admire. Likely they find a way to bring joy into just about everything – waiting in line, their daily commute, an angry stranger? They seem to bring it with them everywhere they go, their life’s up and downs are just like a ride on a roller coaster. They appear to actually bounce when they walk, and they are always with a quick smile. They are probably some of the most creative people you know as well, exuding creative joy like watering everyones aura. We want to BE them. Maybe we ARE them?!  Nourishing your creative joy will enhance your life’s meaning, and the way you experience your daily life.  So let’s get to it shall we?!

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited.” ~Plutarch

We often begin our days hoping they will be full of joy, then the hot water runs out in the middle of the shower, or there is a traffic jam, or one of a million other little things and it slowly chips away at our impending joy. *Sigh* We all know these days, we all live these days. BUT if we can build our courage and learn to turn those days around, or better yet not allow those pesky things to sap us of our joy, we will be so much more, well…joyful!
As artists and creatives we often believe that we are doing so much already that to do one more thing might just push us over the edge. Don’t give up on building Creative Courage now, it’s been 22 weeks, we are almost half way there! We’ve had some fun experiencing other cultures, adding more music to our lives, hopefully we all drove our ‘pink cadillac’ and got lost on purpose a few times to shake things up! This is just another fun adventure on our journey to Creative Courage.  Nourishing our creative joy brings more meaning to our lives, it will help us to develop resilience to life’s little inconveniences – we all know that is vital to our existence – and it will help our minds and our bodies physical feel and function much much better! Yes it does!

“What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience?”  ~Rollo May

If we take a good look at the past twenty one weeks, we will see that we have actually been working up to this. We should actually have been learning how to add more joy to our lives.  Finding time for ourselves in Sit.Silent.Be.Breathe, and finding joy in our surroundings by building our own little Creative Universe, we have rediscovered our inner Curious George and we have hopefully learned how to LOL a great deal more as well! So many challenges we’ve already completed have been bringing us more joy, so this should be easy!!
Often even our creative work sometimes has the joy sapped out of it with repetition, or frustration, creating that which is not up to our full creative capacity, because we’ve done what the customer has asked for. That is after all what brings in the money; so we need to learn how to experience our creativity, bring home the bacon and foster our joy!


“Most people see what is, and never see what can be.” ~Albert Einstein

Identify one thing that you want to change or create, and just do it. Just start, experience the tickle and do it anyway. If we want to create a work of art, and we may not have the supplies, or be able to afford the supplies…then go FIND the supplies, price them, hold them in your hands, feel what you can do with them. Hangout at your local coffee shop, music store, book seller, building supply or scrap metal merchant; let your heart lead you to find your materials for play. Then use your innate creativity to generate the magic of the beginning…then we take it from there. The magic always brings joy with it for the ride!


 “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”~Albert Einstien

We’ve all heard this over and over again, and we all understand that simplifying the processes will help, but we don’t often get around to doing it, so let’s take a radical simplification process this week. If you are a writer, then put away your computer and pull out pen and paper. If you are a musician, forget the music processing gadgets and get back to acustics whether that be guitar, piano or simply humming.  Potters don’t create an elaborate piece, throw a simple bowl on the wheel, or better still how about an old fashioned pinch pot?! Try to remember how you worked when you were just beginning your journey, feel the joy it used to bring you back then….live with that for a while this week.


“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.”  ~Galielo Galilei

We are not talking raising the human dead, or looking for old flames…but we are talking about finding the passions that may have brought us to where we are. We may love our work but many of us did not begin with doing exactly what we are doing now… so go back and remember what creative passions you had ‘before’.  I am a jewelry artist by trade, but my passion began with creating from the misplaced and forgotten, reusing and repurposing the discarded.  I have begun again working with this train of thought, this feeling of excitement, and I have truly found the joy that helped me begin my jewelry work…and now I’m even incorporating those things in my work, so working has become more joyful.  Finding joy in one part of our lives always brings joy to the other parts of our lives!


“All our knowledge has it’s origins in our perceptions.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

Most artists and creatives build their own creative universe then feel that is the only place that they must create. This is the place that was made for creating after all, and it holds all of our supplies, why change locations?  Again, just to shake things up a bit, and craft where we are happiest!  I love my studio, I smile almost each time I step into it…well, except when it’s a complete wreck! Although I also love the sunshine….and that is a rare thing in my studio (which is actually affectionately referred to as “The Cave”) so how do I experience joy and still get work done? I will take a few simpler projects to the back deck with minimum supplies, and work in the sun! That brings me a great deal of joy! Therefore, if you usually paint in the basement, then take a canvas to a known happy place and pencil your idea instead of painting, or take your paints and an easel to the arboretum or other place that may bring joy. The musician may simply swap studios with another musician; or if you are used to doing gigs in the evening, try a few day time performances….when we create in the same space, over a period of time the place gains a power of its own; changing locations will help to alter those subliminal influences and help to foster a feeling of “newness”, to alter the brainwaves and start “fresh” with our art. So try this week to change your location for just one day, just one project, just for a little bit of joy.

“Creativity, which is the expression of our originality, helps us to stay mindful that what we bring to the world is completely original and cannot be compared.” ~Brene Brown

Often we are quite concerned about how to make others happy, even in our creative minds. We may have in idea or inspiration come to us, we will execute it, and then think….no one will like/buy this. We then proceed to change what we know was given to us to share.  That is when you know you have lost your joy. We must honor our preferences, we must find our joy once again so that when the inspiration comes, we do not second guess, we simple create! This week then, after you have reclaimed our joy, we need to honor it in our work and in our lives. When something you see makes you smile, give it an extra moment in your mind to enjoy it. Feel that joy. When you inexplicably find a grin on your face, simply enjoy it. Live unapologetically in JOY this week. Revel in your preferences, give yourself permission to be and feel your authentic self. Bask in the joy that is you and choose to be joyous. Joy to the world, you can provide it! Joy to you and me!
Have a great week! Oh, and yes that “earworm” will probably stick with your for a while! ; )

JeaneMargherite Meria McMahon Murray Schintgen

(yep, that’s my name, don’t wear it out!)
 I would love for you to “check me out” in my other realms…..

Friday, May 11, 2012

Week 20 - The Sound Of Music Creative Courage Challenge

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without –Confucius

Art is Courage, Music is Art.  As Creative People, we often NEED our music. We need it to help grease the wheels of creativity, to motivate us to get to the studio, to relax us so we can write or get us jamming for hammering on our benches! Music and all other arts are intrinsically intertwined. Therefore if Music is Art and Art is Courage…let’s get our Courage on!!
The universe is full of music, it is the only common denominator within all cultures of humanity. Although with all the types of music, it truly is all one and the same, just arranged differently and played on different instruments. The sounds of music have been around since the dawn of time.  Music (and art) are basic human functions, and we as know that humans and art (all art, not just music) cannot function without one another.

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.  – Robert Fripp

Music is grounded in our imaginations, our interactions with sound are unavoidable; we simply choose whether to create it or enjoy it. All people have found music significant in their lives, whether writing, creating, performing, listening or for the emotional experience. Some artists and creatives can even close their eyes and see colors while they are listening to music. I am one of those people, and I am certain my experience is different as everyone’s is…but the colors move and dance for me depending on the type of music I am listening to….it’s another benefit of music in my life that I greatly appreciate.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music Aldous Huxley

Here’s an amazing fact: Simple anticipation of a song or musical composition, will cause the brain to release dopamine, which is literally the “Feel Good” chemical! How fantastic is it that this type of reaction is created by simply anticipating something so abstract and intangible?  Scientifically this action is actually biologically reinforcing the brain and our happified emotions!  Music is actually thought to be linked to all emotional, spiritual and physical elements of the universe. Here are a few facts for us to remember…


Music Reduces Stress: It helps to relax our muscles as well as reducing our breathing rate; both of which are directly related to reducing emotional stress. This is regardless of the type of music, as long as we enjoy listening to it.
Music Alters Brain Waves: Like the wonderful dopamine reaction, music also alters our brain wave patterns and therefore elevates our mood…most wonderfully – even after we stop listening to it! I can even do so while we are simply “singing” the song in the corners of our minds.
Music Motivates: There are so many songs, different songs to different people that will motivate, move, stimulate and encourage. We’ve all got them, you konw which ones they are! Try to think of a few, write them down…remember them! USE them!
Music Happifies: Seratonin is another neurotransmitter that will physically affect your mood, so on top of the dopamine and the altered brain waves, music actually helps to release seratonin it as well!! What a wonderful triple threat!
Earworm: The name that references those songs that get stuck in your head that you can’t seem to remove until it is replaced by another earworm, or deep thought! Yep, there is an actual word for it!

Words make you think a thought, Music makes you feel a feeling.  A song makes you feel a thought.   – E.Y. Harburg

Some of this may not be actual “new” information to most of us, but just as earworms, they fade after time…and those facts seemingly become just the white noise in the background.  We’ll, let’s bring that background music to the forefront this week!! Let’s bring out the music. Let’s turn off the t.v. and turn on the iPod, stereo, radio, whatever you have! If you don’t have something to bring music to you, then create it yourself. Yes you can!
I am a horrific whistler, although I know a great many people who are wonderful whistlers….so whistle while you work!  Some of us are more of a singing in the shower, or jamming in the car kind of music person….sing your heart out! Sing it out loud!! If you prefer to hum your tunes, then do so while walking down the street, running errands or working at your bench!  My personally most revered of singers, are the ones who can sing soft and low with sweetness in their voice that can calm the wildest of beasts! Those people amaze me, and you are one of them, you best be working that talent!!
One more thought and added benefit of the sound of music is that all music (as well as your mood) are contagious; you are able to make others feel good simply by using music to make yourself feel better!!  We’ve all walked past someone whistling while walking…it makes us smile, yes?  Who hasn’t seen someone singing to themselves while sitting in traffic?! Playing Air Drums on the steering wheel? That always gives me a giggle – and not in a mocking way, it actually a visual reminder for me to live with abandon…and generally after I giggle, I find a good song and rock it out too!!  Let’s all of us, just try to do a bit more of that this week! Will you must the courage?! Will you bring more music into your life? Live life with abandon, filled with tunes of anything you like!  I actually have several playlists on my iPod, some are arranged by music type: county, celtic, meditation; but most of it is organized by mood or activity: dance, relax, every day, studio work, happiness, mello, shower, bubble bath….. because certain moods and activities naturally are accompanied by the music that moves us for that mood or activity. Truth.

“Music is an essential part of everything we do. Like puppetry, music has an abstract quality which speaks to a worldwide audience in a wonderful way that nourishes the soul.”  Jim Henson

This week in your studio, your shop, your kitchen, your car, on the street, in the office, wherever you are…bring more music into your life. Even if you listen to music (or create it) try adding more, or a different type! Instead of the television, turn on the radio –NO talk radio does NOT count!! Wear your iPod or other musical device whenever you can. Listen to music that makes you feel good, that calls on you to shake your bootie or tap your toe! If you feel like swaying (or jumping) to the music – go ahead and DO IT!!  Have enough courage to sing it out loud! Demonstration the audacity to perform in you car, sing wildly in the shower – with the radio on if you prefer, dance down the hall with a song in your head! Resonate music this week…HEAR the sound of music, even if it’s simply the earworm of the last elevator song you heard!! Allow yourself to listen to music of your teenage years, remember what it was like to jump around at a concert, or a school dance. Remember playing air guitar like we were really on stage! Remember and have the courage to DO THAT this week!! I promise you that your creativity will definitely benefit – as well as your physical and emotional bodies!
Go on now…listen to the sound of music, dance to the sound of music, sing sing a song, sing out loud, sing out strong….

JeaneMargherite Meria McMahon Murray Schintgen

(yep, that’s my name, don’t wear it out!)
 I would love for you to “check me out” in my other realms…..