Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This Just In: Disappointment Leads to Treasure

I skipped into my studio this morning full of enthusiasm and creativity for the ideas I had been mulling over and marinating during the night (while I was attempting to sleep)....when I arrived at my bench- a bit tired, but excited, I sat down, and turned excitedly to pull out  the gemstones that I decided to work with....and in a flash all of my enthusiasm and my creativity was immediately thwarted!  Gone. Engulfed. Overwhelmed. Defeated. Deflated.

The gems I needed were encased in an organizer bin, that was under a box, as well as behind a basket of components I was going to use for my last project....which was now abandoned. It doesn't sound nearly as bad as it actually was to look at...but it was such a mess,

Now I am no neat freak...as most creatives are aware....we prefer a bit of an "organized mess"  (a term my mother could never come to terms with) especially when it comes to the general state of affairs in the studio.  But on this day, with this project, this small inconvenience completely set me back in a blink of an eye, my creativity was snuffed.  I just wanted to just get up, walk out, and go sit in front of the TV for the rest of the day..

After the initial moment of disappointment, I sat for a a few minutes, attempting to coax the creativity back into my heart and my head, so it could be pumped back out through my hands....nothing. I thought if I started small, I might be able to prime the pump...so I went to pull out some ear wires, (easy enough to reach) to begin the process from the other side..I was a bit worried I wouldn't have any made, and I would have to create new ones, but I also knew that didn't have the right size wire to make more if need be.

So  when I get to the container that holds the ear wires that have already been created...it's a mess! Different types and shapes all in the same bags, french wires mixed with posts, some without the ear nuts.... *sigh* ... I was beginning to wonder if perhaps this was not meant to be a "creative day" and immediately began thinking about any computer work or paper work that needed to be done instead...quite deflated.

But I was tired of working on the computer! I've been doing that for the last three weeks, and I was desperate to CREATE something!! I needed to MAKE something pretty to rejuvenate my creative soul, and I needed it bad!

So I began the tedious work of separating the earwires into their proper places, starting small but hoping that if I finish this, then I'll have more energy tomorrow.  What I found was that separating the earwires lead me to find fun components I didn't even remember having. That was a nice surprise!! I was a little rejuvenated! Which lead me to continue my organizing...which lead me to more new discoveries!  Which lead to more happy surprises! And my creativity began to build from a spark to a flame!!

I realized it had been so long since I truly looked through my components and supplies that I didn't truly have a grasp on what I had in stock...so I pushed on, it felt like a treasure hunt! Making fun discoveries all the along the way, and loving every minute of my "Cleaning/Organizing" day.  I organized all the sterling silver, then all the other metals, which lead to the gemstones, and wire, and eventually cleaning off my bench top and even my anvil table and my power tools!!!

I now had a much better grasp on all of my supplies, and components, metal, colored, wood, gemstones. I had a plan for what needed to be created and what needed to be purchased.  I was organize, cleaned up and ready to go!!

Because I didn't give up on myself in that first blush of disappointment, the day became a purposeful, empowering and productive day! I'm now I am excited again to REALLY get into creative work tomorrow....ALL DANG DAY LONG!!   Whoo Hoo!!
